Rated G Radio interview, 24 October 2016

I’ll once again be a guest on Garrett Miller’s Rated G internet radio program on Monday, 24 October, at 8:00 a.m. PDT. We’ll be talking about The Collection and whatever else Garrett comes up with, which can be pretty random. There’ll be a recording available on his website if you…

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On the Air: Rated G Radio, 17 May 2016

I’ll be a guest on Garrett Miller’s RATED G Internet radio program on Tuesday, 17 May at 7:00 p.m. PDT. We’ll talk about my books, careers, and whatever else he comes up with. Garrett interviews authors every Tuesday night. While I’m not thrilled with most promotions, personal appearances are my…

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Appearance: LIT UP! 22 Mar 2016

I’ll be one of three authors featured in the March LIT UP! A Conversation with Orange County Readers and Writers on Tuesday, 22 March, at 7:00 p.m. at Kean Coffee in Tustin. If you haven’t been before, this author event features readings and an open dialog between the authors and the…

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Appearance: Fullerton Public Library, 19 Mar 2016

I’ll be one of five local authors featured at Fullerton Public Library’s Local Fiction Author’s Day on Saturday, 19 March, 1:30-5:00 p.m. The event will include short readings, a panel discussion, and time to mix and chat with the authors. Yes, you can also buy books and get us to…

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Appearance: Book Carnival, Orange, 13 Feb 2016

I’ll be making another sortie out of the Burrow to appear at Book Carnival on Saturday, 13 February, at 3:00 p.m. Book Carnival is an increasingly rare bird: an independent bookstore that specializes in mysteries and thrillers. Anne, the owner, supports independent authors as well as those who have contracts…

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I’m Going to the Library

Sometimes I leave the house. In this case, I’ll be one of five authors featured in Fullerton Public Library’s Local Author Day, 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, 18 April. There will be a panel discussion, followed by face time with the authors. The main library is located at 353 W. Commonwealth…

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Real-World Event: Indie Publishing Panel, 30 March 2014

I’ll be venturing into the real world to participate in an indie publishing panel sponsored by the Sherman Oaks NaNoWriMo group. My co-panelists will be Kristen Elise, mistress of Murder Lab (which I’ve mentioned before) and author of the science thriller The Vesuvius Isotope, and Leslie Ann Moore, author of…

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