Life Imitates Art

A post for my blog went free-range on me and ended up on Criminal Element. It’s a true-crime story that may sound a mite familiar if you know what The Collection is about: “In December 2002, two burglars broke into the Vincent van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. They didn’t use…

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The new face of The Collection

This is the final cover for The Collection. It’s surprising how consistently this version was the first pick for the people I asked, including my favorite indie bookstore owner. It reminds me of 1960s Saul Bass movie posters — appropriate, since Matt (Our Hero) likes old films. For this I have…

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Rolling Rolling Rolling

The wheels are rolling on The Collection. I’ve applied for a copyright; I have working Kindle and ePub editions; and the cover art is underway. I’ve tentatively set 31 October as the release date — we’ll see if everything comes together by then. Since this is a series, I need…

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The Collection is Coming out of Storage

Remember The Collection? The first installment in my new DeWitt Agency art-crime series? Yeah, maybe not so much. What happened to that, anyway? What happened is that I started querying agents, a process that hasn’t improved since the last time I did it (for Doha 12). I got one request…

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Fake is for real

My work-in-progress Fake — a rewrite of a 2009 attempt at an art-crime mystery — now has a beginning, middle and end all in the same file. I hesitate to call it “finished,” because it’s a long way from that, but I now have a completed draft. It’s way overweight at…

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Faking It

Enough people have asked me this question that I figured I finally need to answer it: other than reviewing movies, what have I been doing? I’ve been writing something new. Except it’s old. Back in 2007, inspired by a trip to Florence and Milan, I wrote a mystery called Fake….

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