South is now available in Kindle Unlimited. If you’re a member, you know what that means: South is now one of the bazillion books you can read on your Kindle as part of your monthly subscription.
What does it mean for the rest of you?
If you like paper books, nothing’s changed; you can get South online all over the world, just like now.
If you use an ePub-based e-reader (Nook, Kobo, Tolino)… well, sorry. The thing is, in the almost eight years since South went on the market, nearly 70% of my e-book sales have been on Kindle. The proportion would be way higher (~80%) except for a one-year spike in Kobo sales from a single promotion in 2017.
Going into KU opens some additional promotional opportunities for me, plus it puts the book on a more even footing with the competition. I certainly won’t be missing sales: South, which is in many ways my favorite among my published novels, hasn’t sold much at all over the last three years.
If you really want to get South on your ePub-based e-reader, here’s what you can do: show me you’ve bought the Kindle version and I’ll send you a link where you can download the latest ePub edition for free.