About language in Zrada

I’ve been getting questions about the language in Zrada. Not the swearing (well, some about that); the actual language. The most common question is a variant of, “Does everybody in the Ukraine speak fluent English?” The answer, of course, is “no.” Zrada is full of people speaking Russian or Ukrainian,…

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Zrada lives!

At long last, Zrada has moved off my computer into the big world of online bookselling. As of yesterday, it’s now available for preorder on Amazon and Kobobooks. This is just a start. Over the next few days, I’ll be setting it up in Ingram (trade paperbacks) and in various…

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Carson wants a new hairdo

This is how Matt described Carson on their first meeting in The Collection: She’s around my age, squarish face, strong features, decent cheekbones. Not pretty, but not ugly either. Her dark-chocolate hair’s cut short—like, almost as short as mine on the sides. She’s been wearing her hair short since she…

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Zrada now in beta

Beta readers now have Zrada in their (virtual) hands. I expect to see the first results within the next few days. This is always a time of mixed feelings for me. On the one hand, getting here means I’m almost done. On the other hand, what if I’ve been buried…

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